Guest lecture Dr. Martin Sonnenschein, Senior Vice President, ATKearney on 17.06.2015 at 8.15 a.m. in HS Ö2 [12.06.2015]
You are invited to the guest lecture of the Senior Vice President of ATKearney, Dr. Martin Sonnenschein, in the lecture Multinational Corporations.more
Guest lecture from Thomas Wolf, CEO, RIB Software AG on 10.06.2015 at 8:15 in HS Ö2 [05.06.2015]
You are invited to the guest lecture of the CEO of RIB Software AG, Thomas Wolf, in the lecture Multinational Corporations.more
Guest Lecture Ralf Dieter, CEO, Dürr AG on 03.06.2015 at 16:15 in HS 1 [27.05.2015]
You are invited to the guest lecture of the CEO of Dürr AG, Ralf Dieter in the lecture Managing International Business Units and Projectsmore
18.05.2015 First Examination Period Summer Term 2015 [19.05.2015]
Exam International Management 2: Managing International Business Units & Projects (MIP) SS 2015 will take place on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 16:00 in Euro-Forum Katharinasaal. more
07.04.2015 Introductory Sessions Master' Seminars [07.04.2015]
Project Seminar: The introductory session will be on 22 April 2015 at 18:00 pm in HS 1. Joint Integrative Seminar (Change of room): The introductory session will be on 22 April 2015 at 10:30 am in HS 33. more
19.03.2015 Post-exam review
Following written exams can be reviewed on Thursday, March 26, 2015, 11:00 to 12:00 a.m., in HS 32: more